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Hair length:



















Pale Brown



Details on circumstances of loss:

Details on circumstances of the finding:

Found on:

Cat Health Services And Treatments

Allergy Testing

Dental Care



Diagnostic Imaging

Ear & Eye Care

Flea & Tick

Kitten Care



Microchip ID

Pain Management

Preventive Care & Exams

Senior Care








Vet Prescribed

Grain Free


Litter Trays & Accessories

Grooming & Clean Up


Organic Wood Granule

Clay Granule



Silica Granule

Recycled Paper Pellet

Wood Pellet Recycled


Flea, Tick, etc

First Aid

Milk & Weaning Substitutes

Ear & Eye Care

Skin & Coat Care

Joint & Mobility


Scratching & Furniture

Bowls & Feeding Accessories




Books & Sundry

Brief activity description:

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Lost cat, what to do?

If your pet is tattooed or microchipped, it will always be possible to find them with the help of veterinarians. A cat doesn't stray far from its home, especially if the cat is not accustomed to going out regularly. It will tire itself out exploring its new territory and may also be frightened by unfamiliar sounds. It will seek a safe refuge.

A 'free-roaming' cat that regularly goes outside can stay out of the house for 4 or 5 days and if it is not neutered even 15-30 days. So, if it doesn't return immediately compared to its usual habits, don't be alarmed right away. Instead, reach out to your neighbors, who may have seen it during the day. If so, you'll have some peace of mind. You can still place your ad and remove it when you get home.

If your cat is not accustomed to going outside, act promptly so that the animal doesn't stray too far in the following days. Inform both the local veterinarians in the area where it went missing—someone might have taken it there to check if it's okay.

Check if anyone has posted a found cat announcement by consulting the map in the vicinity of the area where you lost your cat.

Sign up on the website and post a lost cat ad. Once posted, you can share it on social media for even more thorough and effective search. To assist you in the search near the location of loss, we have made available a flyer in PDF format ready to download or print with all the details of your ad. In the management options of your ad, you can always modify both your ad and download the flyer again.

Go out and place your poster in strategic locations in your neighborhood where there is high foot traffic, such as schools, bus stops, etc.

Cat found what to do?

Among free-roaming cats, we can identify both house cats and cats that are part of a feline colony. Feline colonies are groups of cats that live together in specific locations in our cities or countryside, and they are protected by the law.

If you notice a frightened and disoriented adult cat, it has likely become lost, and there is a good chance it lives nearby the location where you found it. It could be a cat raised indoors and not accustomed to the sounds and scents of outdoor life; on the contrary, a cat accustomed to going outside may have ventured too far from home to easily return.

If you decide to bring the foundling home with you, call the veterinarian immediately to schedule an appointment and check its health. This way, you will protect both your family and the lost cat. During the time before the veterinary visit, you can check online to see if someone has already posted a lost cat announcement in the area where you found it. If not, you can create a found cat announcement yourself. Once the ad is posted, you can share it on social media to spread the news more widely.

If you haven't been contacted by anyone regarding the found cat announcement, when you go to the vet appointment, you can check together with the vet if the cat has a tattoo or a microchip to trace back to its rightful owner.

The main cause of estrangement is the season of love. Entire females, unlike males, tend not to move from their territory but attract male cats there. The whole cat responds to the hormonal call of the female even if very far away. For this reason, if she is not close to her territory she can trespass into the territory of other cats and cause both fights for the territory and for the partner herself.

Un altro motivo dell'allontanamento potrebbe essere legato all'età e al suo stato di salute. Il gatto è un animale che non ama mostrarsi debole e in quei casi preferisce la solitudine. Un gatto anziano quindi sceglierà un posto appartato e tranquillo per trascorrere gli ultimi momento della sua vita.

The cat knows its territory little by little, but is unlikely to get lost if it has explored it gradually. So if he follows you on your travels, always consider first keeping him at home for a few days after the move both to let him recover from the trip and to gradually get him used to the new home and his new territory.

Among the various causes of failure to return there may also be inconveniences that do not directly depend on your desire to return. Being very curious, he could have remained locked in the neighbor's garage or been injured and rescued by a passer-by.

La edad promedio de la pubertad varía según la raza.

Gato macho

Starting from 5-10 months you can observe it from its behaviors. Such as urine markings to signal one's territory, nocturnal meows, escapes from home, fights with other male cats for territory and to conquer the female.


Starting from 5-10 months depending on the breed, cohabitation with other cats and the season. It will be characterized by loud meows, a tireless search for cuddles with a duration of 10-12 days with a few weeks of interruption between the various heat periods. Ovulation is induced. Therefore for this to happen, stimulation from the male must be sufficient, which normally does not happen with a single mating. In fact, when the female cat is ready to accept the male, she mates several times within 2-4 days and, in conditions of free choice, almost never with the same male. Gestation lasts an average of 65 days.

Castración del gato:

- limita el riesgo de fuga y accidentes

- reduce los problemas asociados con los enfrentamientos con otros gatos y por lo tanto reduce el riesgo de lesiones graves en combate

- transmisión de enfermedades

- reduce las marcas urinarias

Esterilización de gatos:

- reduce los problemas relacionados con el calor

- limita el riesgo de fugas

- evitar embarazos no deseados

- reduce el riesgo de desarrollar cáncer de mama

Qué edad tendría si fuera humano?

GATO <=========> HOMBRE

6 meses ---------------- 18 años

1 año -------------------- 19 años

2 años ------------------- 24 años

3 años ------------------- 28 años

4 años ------------------- 32 años

5 años ------------------- 36 años

6 años ------------------- 40 años

7 años ------------------- 44 años

8 años ------------------- 48 años

9 años ------------------- 52 años

10 años ----------------- 56 años

11 años ----------------- 60 años

12 años ----------------- 64 años

13 años ----------------- 68 años

14 años ----------------- 72 años

15 años ----------------- 76 años

16 años ----------------- 80 años

17 años ----------------- 84 años

18 años ----------------- 88 años

19 años ----------------- 94 años

20 años ----------------- 100 años

21 años ----------------- 110 años

Vaccination is the best method to protect our cat against both bacterial and viral diseases. In fact, it allows us to prepare the cat's immune system to react quickly and effectively against these germs. Vaccination should only be carried out on animals in good health and without parasites. For this reason it is in fact recommended to deworm the cat 8 days before the vaccination date. Although it does not cause any general problems, after vaccination it is preferable to leave the cat to rest for the following 24 hours.

In the first weeks of life, the kitten still has an immature immune system and the antibodies it has come from its mother. These antibodies allow him to be covered for the first period of life but progressively decrease.

Each cat has a different risk of exposure to diseases, which is why the vet will offer you vaccines and a frequency of boosters and vaccinations suited to the age of the cat and depending on your cat's lifestyle habits.

A vaccine protects for a period of 12 to 36 months depending on the disease and is the reason why it is essential to make an appointment with the vet on an annual basis to carry out booster vaccinations.

If the boosters are not carried out on time, they lose their effectiveness and the veterinarian will be forced to restart the initial vaccination protocol.

El gato es carnívoro

It is an animal that needs proteins of animal origin, before becoming a domestic animal it mainly fed on meat in the form of prey. Suffice it to say that the mouse, one of the cats' favorite prey, contains less than 3% carbohydrates and very little fat.

These animal proteins provide him with essential substances that his body is not able to produce and which are not found in cereals and vegetables. For example, the essential fatty acids for his nervous system, vitamins for his bowels and minerals for his bones. It is easy to reach a protein deficit in the case of an unbalanced diet.

Una buena alimentación incluye:

- proteínas animales como primer ingrediente

- pocos carbohidratos

- un mínimo de lípidos

The cat distributes its food consumption over a 24-hour period, often eating small quantities of food. He must therefore be able to eat little but regularly to consume at the end of the day his daily ration defined according to his age and state of health.

Vending machine

For this reason, in addition to the meat ration, I also recommend automatic kibble dispensers with the possibility of programming how many times to dispense the cat's lunches during the day. By weighing your lunch you can easily calculate your daily ration. I would also add that another positive aspect is the possibility of delegating the act of filling the bowl to the machine in order to prevent the cat from turning to us, even at the most absurd times, to ask for food. Another fundamental aspect is that it makes us independent when we are absent from home for a few days, leaving the care of our beloved cat to friends and neighbors. In these cases, a water dispenser could also prove equally useful. Although there are different types, I believe that the one with a reserve water bottle is the best compromise.

Depending on the country of destination, various procedures may be necessary. You need to inquire with the authorities of the country you want to go to. For this reason it is advisable to carry them out at least six months before departure.

In all cases, your pet must meet the following conditions:

- Ser identificable por chip electrónico

- Tener pasaporte europeo (disponible en tu veterinario)

- Estar vacunado contra la rabia

- Tener más de 3 meses

- Quiero al gatito (1952)

- The Aristocats (1970)

- The Fearless Four (1997)

- Como perros y gatos: La venganza de Kitty Galore (2010)

- Cats (2019)

- Como perros y gatos (2001)

- Un gato del FBI (1965)

- Salida francesa (2021)

- El gatito ladrón (1935)

- Gato hipocondríaco (1950)

- Rhubarb (1951)

- El gato que vino del espacio (1978)

- Harry y Tonto (1974)

- De vuelta a casa: Un viaje increíble (1993)

- El viaje increible (1963)

- Kedi (Gatos de Estambul) (2017)

- Amor de gata (2020)

- Mewsette en París (1962)

- La Navidad de James & Bob (2020)

- Los ojos del gato (1985)

- Oliver y su pandilla (1988)

- Un gato del FBI (1997)

- Haru en el reino de los gatos (2002)

- El día del juicio final de Pluto (1935)

- Un gato callejero llamado Bob (2016)

- Las tres vidas de Tomasina (1963)

- Siete vidas, este gato es un peligro (2016)

- A Cat's Life (2023)

- En la mente de un gato (2022)

Cat Breeds


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Software & Libraries:

- Django, Boostrap, PostgresSql, Leaflet, Font Awesome

Data Sources:

- Data © OpenStreetMap contributors

- Data mining by Overpass API

- Map tiles © OpenStreetMap contributors

- Search provided by Nominatim